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I was born 1971 in Canada, grew up in Switzerland and fell in love with the world. As an international artist, being a painter and music producer, I was blessed to live in many different places and in many different ways. Later on in my life, I discovered the love for the beautiful Bahia in Brazil, where today most of my work is been created. The work is always connected to the deep need for artistic, personal and spiritual growth.


Painting is a very important tool on my journey as an artist.

With exhibitions in Zurich, Basel and Lucerne (Switzerland), Belo Horizonte, Búzios, Trancoso, Algodoes and Itacaré (Brazil) I was able to spread my work to a wide audience.

During the past years my focus has been on the work with dots, acrylic paint on wood. Right now I am in the realisation of other artistic projects such as 'bodydots', ‘whendotsbecomelines’, 'the friends' and ‘angelwings’.


The art works of ‘Nirvana collection’ & 'the friends' was created during the pandemic 2020  in isolation on the península of Marau (BA) Brazil. I used only wood pieces found on the beaches between Barra Grande and Algodões. During this intense period I was fully dedicated to the creation of art and the art of healing.


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